Topic: dude wtf

Topic : dude wtf - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 2 months ago

dude what the FUCK are you even deleting? seems indiscernible half the time. i get some things, but others not at all.

here's a thought: take the guidelines from your initial post listed in >>1 and the rule page only cited in a vaguely-different hue of text color when pressing the new topic button and scrolling down enough, and:
1. reconcile your stupid fucking rules and stupid fucking guidelines together (even if posts are eternal, 99.9% of people who visit this shitshow will not care to go back and look at the "Hurr Welcum to my Butt" thread).

2. make an easily-accessible rules link at either the top or bottom of every page.

3. maybe your rules and guidelines just suck and repel people rather than attract them. most people are attracted to anonymous spaces for edgier conversations. not saying allow every spam or every creepy topic to be discussed, but you don't seem to have any idea of what you are doing.

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