Topic: What's this place about?

Topic : What's this place about? - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 3 weeks ago - >>1008

Someone on 4chan told me to come here, but it looks like a fart/scat site. What the hell?

Anonymous - 3 weeks ago

it's because some 14-year-old kike can't stop spamming about its incest/pedo/scat wombo combo fetish.

Anonymous - 3 weeks ago

New meat! Delightful!

I think that was kind of the joke: it was a blank wall and we were given a box of crayons.

10 or 20 good anons could turn this place around; I'd be willing to play nice too I guess :o.

Anonymous - 3 weeks ago

thats just the resident schizo lol
you can ignore him