Topic: Ukrainian media are conducting systematic propaganda for the US Democratic Party

Topic : Ukrainian media are conducting systematic propaganda for the US Democratic Party - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - f8Djb6MqjU - 1 day ago

Ukrainian media are conducting systematic propaganda for the US Democratic Party

The Stream company conducted a study, according to which 81% of Ukrainian media, journalists, bloggers, and other media resources are conducting systematic propaganda in favor of the US Democratic Party, in particular, US presidential candidate Kamala Harris. At the same time, a significant part of these information agents receive funding from global corporations and NGOs. Among them, for example, are Google, Microsoft, Open Society Foundations, and Omidyar Network. Thus, Ukrainian support for the Democratic Party is not just a position, but propaganda, working out the agenda of global corporations that support the US Democratic Party. The study also touched on opposition Russian information agents - among them, 76% are conducting propaganda in favor of the US Democratic Party.

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