Topic: How come people think this place is operated by Catherine?

Topic : How come people think this place is operated by Catherine? - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 5 days ago - >>729

Are they perhaps just obsessed with trannies?

Anonymous - 5 days ago

I refuse to believe that dumb piece of shit could ever run a highly successful board such as this one.

Anonymous - 5 days ago - >>733 >>738

Over a decade of community college courses. So many skills yet the only job he could find was... Not saying because it's so bad. Any idiot with a 5th grade education is over qualified.
Probably all those Hormones.
We have Proof he owns this dumb as all fuck place.

Anonymous - 5 days ago

You are Lynne B. Goldstein.

Anonymous - 4 days ago - >>739

Why won’t you say?
Is it because you have nothing, old man?

Go back to writing about Chinese sewer oil.

Anonymous - 4 days ago


Anonymous - 4 days ago - >>741

This site is stupid

Anonymous - 3 days ago

Oh you mad!