Topic: You are walking down the street in Florida

Topic : You are walking down the street in Florida - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 1 week ago

Coming towards you is an old man. He is clearly wearing a diaper under his suit. His tie is several feet too long. He has a wild blonde wig, and his face is thickly painted with bright orange clown makeup. He is yelling about immigrants eating pets, about schools forcing gender reassignment surgery on children, about windmills causing cancer, about sharks attacking you in an electric boat. He pauses to wish the Virgin Mary a happy birthday. He goes on to scream and rant about executing live babies after they are born, wanting to buy Iceland, some dude's laptop, creating concentration camps and rounding up anyone with brown skin including citizens, praising Kim Jong-un, Putin, and other dictators, and bragging about sexually assaulting women. Would your first thought be: "That man is a genius and should be president!"?

Anonymous - 1 week ago - >>724

My first thought about your post is to wish you well in enjoying your bread and circus because it's all fucking phony. Voting may not ever actually matter (thank heavens, the average American is retarded), but at least you have something to get excited about for awhile.

Might I also suggest you pick up watching "professional" sports, assuming you don't already partake? Ho boy, hope the managers decide Blue team wins the Toilet Bowl this year so I can feel secondhand pride.

Anonymous - 1 week ago - >>725

Voting has no effect on elections?

Anonymous - 1 week ago

You're voting for a face, that's all.