Topic: Ordinarychan bug report

Topic : Ordinarychan bug report - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

When I do a reply post the webpage I am viewing doesn't get updated after tapping on Post. I need to view a new tab to confirm that it's been posted.

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago


Anonymous - 2 weeks ago - >>644

It doesn't always happen.

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

Well this did not happen for me ever, how many times did it happen for you?!
When you tap post button what exactly happens?! It get stock in the same thread page or another page(maybe a white page) appears?!

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago - >>651 >>652

This has happened at least four times.
I type my reply and tap on "Post".

Nothing happens to the webpage I am viewing. The status bar on the browser shows that a new page is loading but it never goes past about 3% so I know something is happening.

I can still see the page where I wrote my reply. I've stopped waiting for it to be updated, I just open a new window on my phone and verify that the post has been posted.

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago - >>648

Bottom line is that so far NOTING OF VALUE has been posted and that includes all replies including this one.

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

You expecting us to post fucking doctoral dissertations here or something? As if mini and tiny aren't shitholes too lol.

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

Does anyone else have this problem?!

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

Does anyone else have this problem?!

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

I suspect I'm the only person who has this problem because #1 I post a few times a day, #2 I reply to the posts which have at least a dozen replies on the thread.

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

I will confirm u

Anonymous - 1 week ago - >>707

Hey dipshit (sorry for the aggressive language but not really since you only deleted my sarcastic post instead of the dumb bait shit), there are Goldstein, girl-[feces/farts/etc.] and Dana threads up. Stop being Indian for a moment.

Anonymous - 1 week ago - >>708

What do you have against Dana?

Anonymous - 1 week ago

Joke is on you, you have to be somewhat prone to trooning out if you catfish.