Topic: 💲Capitalism is destined to fail.

Topic : 💲Capitalism is destined to fail. - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

The fall of communism wasn't a victory for capitalism. It only delayed the inevitable demise of it.

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

The real problem is industrialization. Biodiversity has seen a sharp, unrecoverable decline since the Industrial Revolution. Simply put: the planet is far over capacity for human life. The only thing I disagree with in regards to a potential deliberate depopulation conspiracy is which groups should be spared from it. I am partial to communities like the Amish and Mennonite populations being most favored as they possess strong socialist attitudes and minimally impact the environment.

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

Artificial Intelligence is going to destroy capitalism. Machines will make most people unemployed. Whatever a person can do, a robot can do quicker, cheaper and better.

This will result in the government giving everyone money to spend on whatever they want. Where will that money come from? The government will print it. Won't that cause inflation? There will be massive deflation when robots take over. Everything will be cheaper.

People won't work. I don't think capitalism allows for 99.9% of the population being unemployable and living on welfare. So capitalism will be obsolete.

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

"Muh Capitalism bad" yet they only describe cronyism.

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago - >>615

Islam ☪ is the light and the way.

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago - >>617

Retarded brown pedophile desert cult

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago - >>621

Based high T cunny enjoyer

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

Fellate a shotgun.