Topic: Which chans do you know?

Topic : Which chans do you know? - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 3 weeks ago - >>717

Which ones?

Anonymous - 3 weeks ago - >>597

Honestly, I wish just enough to satiate my social needs, but that isn't the case. There are a lot of small boards which are either too slow or that I don't like the culture of (or I get banned from for ludicrous reasons lol). Most of the boards I have heard of I don't feel compelled to post on. They just sound bad and look bad when I actually view them. Some I actively hope get nuked, too (KC for example, utter shithole).

Anonymous - 3 weeks ago - >>601

great non-answer you got there faggot

Anonymous - 3 weeks ago

Crank out some more tears about it, faggot.

Anonymous - 6 days ago


Anonymous - 2 days ago
