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That blogger guy - aU/mPrVCoA - 3 weeks ago

Day 1
Today I start my daily planner to make my life more organised. Let's just say that I'm chronically disorganised. A burden no person wants to carry.

My brother, who I am staying with right now wants me to socialise with him. That's fine but I'm actively avoiding him due to him and his wife being stressed. They are financially stressed because they own a property and little orchard next to it and haven't paid as much of the mortgage as planned. Plus they are in a toxic marriage with lots of arguments and two adult children who have seemed to have inherited the argument gene.

I'll be gone when my car is fixed. So many things wrong with that car. Apparently it's worth fixing. The mechanic estimated 10 hours of work plus the many parts needed. Apparently it'll be fixed in 3 days. The following day I'll be gone.

That blogger guy - 3 weeks ago

My brother forgot that he had booked a social meetup with me. Fine. My car is fixed. I'll be leaving at 8am tomorrow. No idea when I'll see them again. Hopefully 5+ years.

That blogger guy - 3 weeks ago

After spending more time with my brother, I can say that my brother is demanding. His standard for me is much higher than his standard for himself. Or that's my observation.

When he's made a negative comment about me, I've kept my mouth shut. I didn't discuss his flaws. I guess I'm at his mercy because I'm staying at his place. Once I'm gone, that's it. I will mentally isolate him in my life.

Anonymous - 3 weeks ago

Keep up these blogs

Anonymous - 3 weeks ago

Are you paying rent or anything?

That blogger guy - 3 weeks ago

Day 2
I have gone on a little excursion to see the city I had lived in for 2 years. The trip took forever. That was a problem because I missed the opportunity to stay at the accommodation I wanted to stay at. By about 15 minutes. All because I stopped too often. So, my mistake. I headed back towards my final destination. I never saw the city in daylight, never saw where I'd lived in the past. Oops.

That blogger guy - 3 weeks ago

Day 3
I travelled today, driving. The car is in good working order. I drove for hours on the energy of a coffee cake, since I am usually caffeine free.

I wonder when I will see my brother again.

That blogger guy - 3 weeks ago

More traveling today.

That blogger guy - 3 weeks ago

That's for day 4.

Anonymous - 3 weeks ago


That blogger guy - 3 weeks ago

I have arrived in my city. I was last here a couple of years ago. It's nice to be back. I did 3 days of driving. So much driving.

That blogger guy - 3 weeks ago

Day 5
Today is relaxation day. I want to have some nice food, maybe see a movie, go for a walk, that sort of thing. After 3 days of traveling, I need a rest.

Slightly interesting things which happened during the trip are seeing the Google Street View car twice in separate days and seeing (and hearing) what happens when a boat trailer brake locks up. Lots of smoke.

That blogger guy - 3 weeks ago

Day 6
Today I need to buy a banking phone. I banking phone is a device I use which is only used for banking, reducing the chances of getting malware on it. I've done this for about 6 years. The last banking phone was given to my girlfriend's brother after 3 years of use as he didn't have a phone. He had a sim, he's halfway there.

Is this necessary? Who knows. But it reduces worry and stress, knowing that the large amount of money in my accounts is safer than if I didn't have a banking phone.

The cost is very low per year, I always buy an inexpensive phone. I guess giving away an old phone rather than selling the phone increases the cost but he might find it useful.

That blogger guy - 3 weeks ago

So I bought a cheap Oppo phone, did a factory reset and then updated the apps. It all went reasonably well.

Still lots of things to do, I'll progress through the list as best I can.

That blogger guy - 3 weeks ago

Day 7
Now that the banking phone is working, I need to get the credentials for the accounts I have from the banks. I've kind of mislaid/lost them. That's my challenge today. If I achieve it, I'll see a film at the cinema.

That blogger guy - 3 weeks ago - >>604

I was successful in doing that, so I saw the latest Alien film. It seemed below average budget but it had a good story.

That blogger guy - 3 weeks ago

Day 8
Today I want to go to storage, rent another unit (my current one is maxed out and I need to sell items, also I want to put my suitcase there). Plus rent a post office box and join the gym.

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago - >>606

Name of the film?!

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

I think the newest one is called Romulus.

That blogger guy - 2 weeks ago - >>614

Yes, the film's name is Alien Romulus. It was pretty forgettable, but most are. Not all, though.

I joined the gym, got a new storage unit for sorting stuff which is in unit #1, and then tried to get a post office box. It's kind of difficult. Lots of post office box setups have been removed, and the website hasn't been updated.

In the evening I got ready for sleeping in the car. It sounds grim but it's not actually grim if you follow one simple rule: spend as little time as possible in the car. Anyway the evening went well, no problems. I last slept in the car about 18 months ago. I guess I can tolerate that. Not everyone can.

That blogger guy - 2 weeks ago

Day 9
Today I am treating myself to another film. I guess I'm allowed a treat now and then. The name of the film is Blink Twice. Ratings on IMDb aren't great but it's nice to get away from the car. That's why I like going to the cinema. When you are there, you get carried away by the film and forget you are in the cinema. That never happens at home watching a DVD. I also need to get a post office box.

By the way, I think my phone is banned from using the public library WiFi in the city. I downloaded a lot of porn from Reddit, I guess they noticed. I used the app to do that, maybe Reddit gives the https address which the library has a look at. How dare they!

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

Thanks , i'll watch it.
And i'm reading your blogs. 👌

That blogger guy - 2 weeks ago

So I saw the film. It was... unusual. I can't really rate it on a scale of 0-10 but it was very high on the unusual scale.

What I did think about briefly during the film is an issue I have. So the worst thing I have experienced in my life is losing a family member. The second worst thing? Looking for a job. I don't know why I find it so stressful but that's the situation. I'll definitely need help. Which I have had in the past.

Another thing I will have trouble with is days when I don't talk to another person. I absolutely hate days like those. I feel as though I have failed as a human when I go through days like that.

It turns out that I probably have a saviour. Facebook messenger. My girlfriend, who is in another country and I Skype a lot, but she's out in the countryside and the internet is slow where she is. We can't Skype after say 10am my time because her internet is too slow. Well it turns out that Facebook messenger has a better compression algorithm than Skype so we can talk on days when I don't speak to anybody. So that's good. I just found out that in the last few days. I don't really use Facebook that much, so I never knew.

I want to buy an iPad and iPad pencil and start drawing technical drawings. I'll do that in the next few days. Until I get a job I want to use it as a way to be creative, and also as a way to destress. But I bought one back in 2018 and barely used it. I can't get it to unlock or something. But I was thinking, why did I stop using it? Why did I actually forget I had it? I figured it out in the last few days. My father died. He must have died within a few months or so of buying the iPad. So it just got forgotten because of his death.

He took a risk. No doubt a risk he had taken many times before. Elderly, he needed a walking frame. But he took the risk of going from his comfy chair in his bedroom to the table where he prepares his food without using the walking frame. Unfortunately he fell and a month later, he died.

Sorry about the somber post, I guess these will happen now and then.

That blogger guy - 2 weeks ago

Day 10
Today I want to find my second car key from the new storage unit. I also need to find out about storage units and how much they cost. I need to downgrade my storage unit and the "problem" is that in 2012 I started renting a unit, they haven't increased the price since then. So everyone has increased their prices, mine hasn't changed. I've saved a lot of money but there's not a lot of financial incentive to downgrade.

That blogger guy - 2 weeks ago

So I found the spare car key. It's now hanging around my neck. If I lose my main car key I'll need the spare. As for the storage, I made some calls and found out that it's definitely worth selling most of my household items. So that happens in a few days.

That blogger guy - 2 weeks ago

I went to the cinema (yes, again) and watched Twisters. I've seen it before. It's a good film, doesn't take itself seriously and is long, which I like. I'm getting my money's worth.

That blogger guy - 2 weeks ago - >>653

Day 11
I woke up sore. My back was sore. I think it's because I'm spending all my time in the car. That needs to stop. The car seats are a bit sporty shaped which is ridiculous since it's definitely not a sports car. That's not good for my back.

I've had a cold for about 3 days so far. It really had an effect on my mood. I felt so despondent about finding a job. I don't know how long it will take to find a job. One of my theories is that how long to find a job is extremely random. Two people with the same experience could find a job in totally different time periods. One could be 20 times the length of the other.

I'm not just despondent about getting a job. I'm also deponent about getting a car and accommodation when I return with my girlfriend. Plus a job of course. So that's three things I want, plus a job now. Four things to achieve as soon as possible, when they are needed.

One of the things about my girlfriend is she cannot plan. I don't mean she chooses to not plan, I mean she cannot plan. I've only observed her plan once, and that was to not tell her daughter something.

So all the planning falls on my shoulders. With the added bonus is that when I fail, which has already happened, it's 100% my fault. No one else's.

Admittedly she's never criticised me for my failure but I really would like to share the burden sometimes.

My mood improved during the day, I'm pleased to say.

That blogger guy - 2 weeks ago - >>660

In the afternoon I went to the local public swimming pool. I wanted to see if I could reduce the back pain a bit by being weightless in the pool for a while. It did seem to work afterwards. Lots of children in the pool, I should have gone later on or much earlier when the children were at school.

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

Sleeping in car can fuck up your neck too, are u using backsits?!

Anonymous - 2 weeks ago

Unless you've found a job now, you can go on weekdays in the meantime.

That blogger guy - 2 weeks ago - >>682

Day 12
I had a bit of a relaxing day, being a Saturday. I did about 3-4 weeks of receipts which have been slowly building up in a pile in the car. I just photograph each one and write the spending in a notebook.

That took about 2-3 hours. I also bought a foam mattress, it turned out I didn't need it. It was second hand. Very cheap. It's going into storage.

My back is improving, my neck is fine.

Anonymous - 1 week ago

I think anon is dead.

Anonymous - 1 week ago

no updates?

That blogger guy - 1 week ago - >>705

Apologies for the delay in updates, I'll do that very soon, probably today.

Anonymous - 1 week ago

are you ok?!

That blogger guy - 6 days ago - >>714

Thanks for your concern everybody. I will be catching up today and posting twice a day until I get back to normal activity.

Anonymous - 6 days ago

Happy to see you