Topic: Blog

Topic : Blog - [Post a Reply]

Bubsy - aU/mPrVCoA - 1 month ago

Starting a blog because I want to share what's going on.

Bubsy - 1 month ago

Day 1
I'm in the shed. It has electricity so it's all good. Officially started my diet. So glad to be out of the house with my brother and his family. It's so stressful there. I have never seen my brother so stressed. Also their collective mood goes up and down at least once a day. After I leave it could be up to 5 years until I see him again.

Anonymous - 1 month ago


Bubsy - 1 month ago - >>492

My car has failed its safety test, which is not surprising for a 23 year old car. I've owned it 13 years. So I'm having sugary treats today. I guess the diet officially starts tomorrow.

Anonymous - 1 month ago

Mine's about as old, too. I don't like going about much anymore, so I think it's failing due to inactivity. Served me well until I stopped working when SARS-CoV-19 hit and fucked the normalfags' stupid flow up, then I just started ordering from Amazon or asking relatives to purchase shit for me. Still do those things now because I don't trust society if they expect me to inject mystery juice now. Maybe the car is failing just because. No clue. Pisses me off spending money to have it fixed, making excuses to drive it daily then having it fail again anyway. Spent probably ten times the amount of money repairing it over what it was purchased for lol. Mostly electrical as far as I know. Wish I had an older car at this point, without all the points of failure that ones with electrical systems seem to have.

Bubsy - 1 month ago

So my brother and his wife now want me to fix my car instead of buying their daughters car. This is a complete turn around from their opinions 5 hours earlier. I have no idea why things have changed.

This is causing me moderate stress. I'm so glad I'm away from them in the shed. Her opinions have always been diagonally opposite from mine. I noticed it first when she said that diesel vehicles were environmentally healthier than petrol vehicles. That was about 27 years ago.

I don't know what is happening in her brain. Why is she wrong so often, but she thinks she's right? I don't think I've ever heard her say "I may be wrong" which is something I say regularly.

I'll be glad to be gone. I will not see either of them for a while.

I know they are doing me a favour by having me stay. If I knew that they would be so difficult I probably would have still stayed but moved to the shed within 24 hours of arriving.

Bubsy - 1 month ago

Thanks for the replies to my posts. I may not reply to everyone but your replies are welcome. I'll probably reply when I think that my reply is relevant.

Bubsy - 1 month ago

One comment I need to make. Yesterday my brother joked about my girlfriend's mother not needing money for food because she'd lost her appetite. Does he know that she's elderly? Simple mathematics would tell she's at least 80.

I really need to not share with them about my life. He's a bully. He lives a toxic life with his wife. Their daughter is stressed. Oh I wonder why.

Bubsy - 1 month ago

On another note I have downloaded so much porn today. I enjoy porn. I reduced my porn usage when I was living with my girlfriend. Now I have moved away to earn money for the two of us, plus her daughter, I'm downloading porn. I'm wasting money on data for my phone. I don't want to use my brother's WiFi because he might be tracking my usage.

Bubsy - 1 month ago

Day 2
I have a number of things to do today. Banking and taking my car to get an estimate of repair costs. But the number one thing to do today is:


Anonymous - 1 month ago

keep it up.

Bubsy - 1 month ago

Day 3
Today I need to get the repairs started on the car, tidy the shed and a few other things. I'm stuck here until the car is fixed. So I'm avoiding my brother and his wife but we'll probably go together to see the results of the looking at the car.

I have a new theory which I'll call theory01. Unless you are taking your car to be dismantled, brakes and tires are a per kilometer cost rather than an actual repair. So I should be saving up for those after each trip, theoretically.

Bubsy - 1 month ago - >>514

So I've just had another conversation with the two of them. I have learnt something. When they are both together they are much more likely to gang up on me. Imagine that as a child with those two as parents.

Anyway I will be here for a while, while the car is getting fixed. I'll just spend time in the shed.

I'm thinking when I will come back here. I'll come back if my brother is ill (or dies) but I refuse to spend one night here. If my girlfriend comes here and we go to my brother's property, we'll limit the number of hours we stay.

I'm loving this blog. Writing down stuff and understanding what is going on is good for my ability to cope with the circumstances.

Anonymous - 1 month ago

>When they are both together they are much more likely to gang up on me

i know that feeling

Day 4 - 1 month ago

I have decided to do a factory reset on my laptop. First I need to up everything which means buy an external hard drive and a USB flash drive for the reinstall files.

As for my brother and his wife she actually complimented me yesterday. Why can't she be like that all the time, or just be neutral? She lures you in and her thoughts suddenly change.

I need to briefly talk to my brother today, then I have no reason to talk to either of them. I'll just be in the shed. My sanctuary.

Bubsy - 1 month ago

Previous content by me.

Bubsy - 1 month ago

Day 5
Today is the first day I'm not dealing with having to do stuff. My only trip is to the supermarket. I'm officially on a diet. Avoid my brother and his wife, spend time in the shed, doing the backup of the laptop.

Anonymous - 1 month ago

Put aside the servicing of that klunker of an auto and service Bros wife.

Bubsy - 1 month ago

So to my surprise my brother invited me to go with him to the supermarket. Is he reading this blog? More likely is that he thought about what I told him that it could be years until we meet again. When the car is fixed I'm off.

My anxiety had its peak again about my girlfriend's daughter not getting a visa. If that happens then there will be major problems. This is a few years away. But the consequences will be substantial.

Bubsy - 1 month ago - >>524

I got the covid vaccine yesterday. I forgot to say. That's 5 clotshots so far. I'll be getting the vaccine every year plus influenza once a year as well.

Anonymous - 1 month ago

Up to you, man, but I wouldn't get the vax. Far too much shady business surrounds it now. Medical industry wouldn't be profitable if they were trying to cure everything anyway.

Bubsy - 1 month ago - >>527

Day 6, 363 days until I get clotshot #6
Today I want to tidy the shed. It's a mess. I also want to backup the laptop. I may go out to buy scissors, I may not. I'll have a shower but it might be later on in the day.

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>528

Ah yes, I am sure you are a medical expert.

Anonymous - 1 month ago

I'm thinking you're such a retard that you replied to the wrong post, as if anymore reason were necessary for disregarding your braindead opinions.

Bubsy - 4 weeks ago - >>567

I'm restarting the blog because I wanted to change my name.

Sorry about that.

Anonymous - 3 weeks ago

more like because you want to hide and burry that epic failure lmao >>527