Topic: OrdinaryChan will NEVER be VIPper!

Topic : OrdinaryChan will NEVER be VIPper! - [Post a Reply]

Monabased Gikocel - 2 months ago

This site is very obviously ran by some LARP-obsessed lonely sysadmin. The posts here feel like they were scraped straight off Heyuri or early Boards, put through a de-monaifier, and finally through ChatGPT just to make it EXTRA LARP-y.

It is a disgrace to both textboards and chanboards that this site exists. The misuse of "chan" in the name shows that this board is simply a 4choon's bastardized interpretation of the sacred textboard. This strays so far from the Ayashii ideology you might as well pivot fully and make a Xitter clone.

I pray to Lord Gikoneko himself that I shall never witness the name "OrdinaryChan" on any of the 7 Ayashii Monuments, or the Tanasinn sites.

May Mona have mercy on your 'channed-out soul.

Monabased Gikocel - 2 months ago

Actually, y'know what, I'll double-down on the Twitter clone thing.

I would actually enjoy a text-only Micro-blogging site using this UI. If you do end up pivoting, Mr. OrdinaryChan, I shall crucify myself in front of the Council of Giko in your behalf in order to free your soul of whatever sin you have committed by creating this un-holy website.

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>34

*sprays pure liquid diarrhea directly into your eye socket*

Anonymous - 2 months ago

Well, we're all here for the circlejerk and I brought wine coolers and bugle chips, I say we get it done.

Anonymous - 2 months ago

I was thinking about this the other day, and nerds keep asking how we can terraform the moon or mars. I think you've been holding the solution all along.