Topic: 🥅 Israel 🇮🇱 ⚽ 🇵🇸 Palestine 🥅

Topic : 🥅 Israel 🇮🇱 ⚽ 🇵🇸 Palestine 🥅 - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 1 month ago

I think instead of the bloodshed, these two sides should come together to put their political stipulations on the line for a game of football ⚽.

Anonymous - 1 month ago

Would the jews still get to wear diapers?

Koko - 1 month ago - >>500

Israel bad country. Koko good gorilla. Koko not like Israel. Israel hurt Palestine. Koko god gorilla

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>502 >>566

The award for the most whitest post goes to (you). 🏆
The award for the most butthurt post goes to (you). 🏆
The award for the most willfully ignorant post goes to (you). 🏆
The award for the most retarded post goes to (you). 🏆

🎉 Congratulations! Now go and kill yourself. 🔪🩸

Anonymous - 1 month ago

Take your own advice, ugly little hooknosed vermin.

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>530 >>566

>>502 Take your own advice, savage animal.

Anonymous - 1 month ago

Not surprised a brown ESL semitic rodent lacks the cognitive wherewithal not to ape a response when it makes zero sense to.

Anonymous - 3 weeks ago

Maybe try to hide your hatred of whites next time you inbred goblin. Remember that it is only tharough the generosity of white countries that you didn't get genocided (for real this time) by your sandal wearing neighbours.
You're in no position to be calling anyone an animal, maybe if you didn't cling to your desert obsession with bloodshed you would've been welcome to humanity by now. But I guess the urge to lie, steal, kill and rape children in tunnels is too strong for you fucks, can't wait to hear your screams of pain as your sordid race fades into a nuclear blast real soon faggot.