Topic: Transgenders are the new scapegoats.

Topic : Transgenders are the new scapegoats. - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 4 months ago

For millennia, homosexuals have been the scapegoats for pædophiles. This has been because they've always been in a vulnerable position within society. Now that transgender people are in an even more vulnerable position, these pædophiles are now turning their sights on them to use as their scapegoats. I fucking hate pædophiles.

Anonymous - 4 months ago - >>463

You are one and the same.

Anonymous - 4 months ago - >>462

Trans live a life as a Joke. Costumed UP to play a Joke daily.

Anonymous - 4 months ago

Wouldn't it follow that you also hate those other groups, since they heavily overlap with pedos?

Anonymous - 4 months ago

Fuck off, Lynne.

Anonymous - 4 months ago

first post best fpbp

OP kys