Topic: Stop being dead!!!

Topic : Stop being dead!!! - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 4 months ago

You psychotic fucktards. Are you trying the kill the greatest thing on the internet? This is the reason why OrdinaryChan will fail.

Anonymous - 4 months ago - >>381

It's the same as putting a trans flag (or gadsden, rainbow, or confederate) on your house or business - I'm not going there on purpose. I don't want to be lumped in with extreme politics. This place killed itself.

Anonymous - 4 months ago

Ah, the rules were changed at some point. I take it back I guess.

Anonymous - 4 months ago

Don't know what you're saying. It's been slow since it was created. Too much policing of content and tone won't magically boost the rate posts are made at.

Anonymous - 4 months ago

>Are you trying the kill the greatest thing on the internet?
You're the type of person that feels your Turds should be in a Museum.