Topic: Why are there tranny threads on the front page?

Topic : Why are there tranny threads on the front page? - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>373

I thought this was a tranny-free haven.
Wtf is this gay shit?

Anonymous - 1 month ago

I'd much rather discuss Txunamy Ortiz's stinky girlfarts (pronounced as one word)!

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>375 >>376

I don't think it was ever billed as such. Also don't think the admin deletes much besides the scat fetishist's dumb posts. He deleted a link I posted to another textboard, but that's fine because it's full of creepy, retarded assholes anyway; the off-chance of the fetishist doing some of his literal shitposting on there was the only reason I linked it to begin with. It's better to allow the entire spectrum of discussion involving transvestites than for it to be strictly pro-transvestite, at the very least. I'm not exactly the biggest fan of free speech myself, but the flipside is the countless forums and social media with narrow windows of acceptable opinions. Saying one thing slightly out of line to only to get dogpiled, labeled a tranny/incel/cuckservative/libtard/nazi/fascist/commie/feminist/misogynist/normalfag/sperg/etc. and censored is pretty annoying.

Maybe adding a hide button and/or an option for clients to filter words out (essentially preemptively hiding posts that contain terms on their personal blacklist) would be a good idea.

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>378

I’m pretty sure the word “transvestite” is an outdated term. Just like “transsexual” is starting to become one. Transvestite tends to relate more to drag queens which is more of a gay thing than trans thing.

Anonymous - 1 month ago

LEt's just fucking discus girlfarts: something we can all agree on.

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>379

>the word “transvestite” is an outdated term
It was all the same to me growing up. Just like I don't get how colored folk is offensive when people of color is practically the same thing but inverted.

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>382

You sound like a retarded faggot.

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>385

Impossible, I'm not a transvestite

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>386

> he thinks being a retard faggot is restricted for transvestites, transsexuals, and drag queens

You really proved yourself to be a retarded faggot, boy.

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>388

Wrong, I think it's restricted to transvestites, transsexuals (redundant), drag queens (redundant) and what snowflake type of fairy you're supposed to be (redundant).

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>389

You keep disproving your own hypothesis, retarded faggot.

Anonymous - 1 month ago

If anything, you keep proving me right. Dilate.