Topic: Actual transgender people don’t want clowns representing them.

Topic : Actual transgender people don’t want clowns representing them. - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 1 month ago

Most of them and their struggles mostly lay with actual concerns like potential hate crimes and loss of opportunities. Plus potential denial from home ownership or renting an apartment. While misgendering hurts on an emotional, mental, and can lead to physical strife. It’s not the main focus of these trans people because they know that the people who engage in intentional misgendering are like those who don’t understand that cis women look different and aren’t all magazine babes. Plus this is only a problem for someone who is overly masculine.

These new transgender movements, mostly centered around non-binary identities, tend to exaggerate the issues making it look bad in front of politicians and stupid people. Those who are trans and suffer from extreme gender dysphoria (still a mental disorder due to the DSM-5) don’t make being transgender their identity. They simple try their best to life their life affirming to their gender. They are also still victims of misogyny and sexism as well. We all know how badly cisgender women had to fight to have their voices heard.

I do not wish to victim blame as someone who was killed due to trans panic is still a crime in which the killer should received just due. But it is a lesson that trans people should understand that if someone is romantically or sexuality interested in them it’s crucial to inform them of their status. It’s hard when some men out there are retarded and claim to understand but then seem to disassociate words with the fact that the person who told them likely had a dick.

I’m seriously tired of where this movement has gone and I hate how I have to remain attached to such labels as in the previous cited example. But that’s just how it goes. I hate when people say they can understand the feeling of dysphoria when it’s really something you have to have to understand. There is only one way a person can replicate it and that’s by pursuing hormone replacement therapy themselves when they affirm with their cisgender identity and I highly recommend you don’t do that. This isn’t a feeling you want to have. There is a reason why people go on shows like Jerry Springer saying that they de-transition. The same thing fuels the decision to de-transition as it does transitioning.

I wish people in this world, be them right or left wing, would just shut the fuck up and stop being stupid. I hate how this shit became so political because a few want to be disrespectful while claiming to be the most respectful person on Earth. Seriously, kill yourselves.

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