Topic: What will happen to the pre-existing transgender characters?

Topic : What will happen to the pre-existing transgender characters? - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 1 month ago

So many studios are trying to appeal to the newer transgender audiences and so many of them seem to appeal to the very vocal minority who thinks the world should cater to their neo-pronouns. A lot of the time the struggles of trans people have stemmed from the perspective of male-to-female and female-to-male persons. This neo-pronoun shit is more of a common occurrence within the non-binary circles. The reason so many come out as non-binary is as simple as they not wanting to confirm with often problematic gender roles. Men don’t want to be typecasts as always wanting to have sex and women don’t want to be typecast as having to be subservient. Pretty basic human shit. Non-binary who dive deeper beyond this, however, are borderline insane though not as insane as some other groups out there. I’m referring to otherkin by the way.

Male-to-female and female-to-male people have existed long before “woke” became a term. Yet many of them seem as if this new transgender community isn’t representing them because they are making them look like freaks. Not going to say groomers because that’s an entirely different issue when you have cis groomers like Dr. Disrespectful involved.

Those who claim this is a new phenomenon probably wants to stay clear of any Stanley Kuberick movies since the soundtrack of the more popular ones were composed by a transgender women (Wendy Carlos). Though this thread is what would happen to some of the already established trans characters who slipped under the radar and would likely be called transphobic by some of the “new gays” out there? Characters like Ladiva (Grandblue Fantasy), Mae (Blayze Blue: Central Fiction), Birdo (Mario universe), and Vivian (The Thousand Year Door). Instead, these new trans are claiming characters like Samus taking them away from cis girls.

I am a male-to-female trans person and even I want to toss the word “trans” in the dumpster. I don’t really use these terms anyway unless someone is romantically interested in me. I pass enough to where men check me out on occasion. The only people who deserve to really know my status as trans or cis are those who are romantic or sexually interested in me. Everyone else can go fuck off. Not sure why people care about what genitalia someone else when walking passed someone on the sidewalk.

New trans and new gays fucking suck. - 1 month ago

You’re really going to tell a gay person that they can’t say “faggot” after all of the shit they received in their life about their sexual orientation or that trans people are somehow transphobic when they start calling you out on your own bullshit.

You’re the reason why people see transgender people as a new phenomenon. The truth is nobody cares about you just as much as they care about black or brown people. Instead of making sure that everyone has access to the same opportunities that cis straight white people have you’re out here whining and bitching about how words hurt your feelings. There is an exception when it comes to third person pronouns since existence is tied to that, but you even take that to extremes too with this neo-pronoun shit.

This is the stuff that makes Republicunts happy because you reinforce their black and white batshit notions of trans people when actual trans just want to live their lives affirming to their identities. Seriously, go fuck yourself and stop fellating the Democraps with this shit too.

You’re pathetic and you’re doing more harm than good. Go kill yourselves.