Topic: How come the world loves Zionists now?

Topic : How come the world loves Zionists now? - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 1 month ago

There was a time when was still online and many of the people there were talking about how society was going to decline if an event called “the day of the rope” never transpired. They even had. countdown to the event which should be getting closer and closer to the date. Many people on their /new/ board were talking about Zionist Occupation Government while those outside of their circle laughed at them.

Skip forward to 2024 CE, and these said people tend to be fellating Jewish people and Israel. I don’t necessarily have a problem with Jews since they’re always the chillest people, but I still have a problem with Zionists. They’ve exposed their control over the government and the media with how the current Palestinian genocide is being masked and hidden. Yet people don’t find it suspicious despite numerous videos depicting the Israeli military forces mistreating Palestinian civilians (not HAMAS members).

How come many conspiracy theories such as ZOG and even the dealings of the NSA are coming true while nobody seems to care or are concerned? The U.S. government even attempted to distract the public by claiming that many cases believed to have been involved with extraterrestrials are true.

Why do we as a society loving genociding Jews?

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>342 >>343

4chon has been back for a bit, now under .me, though it's quite slow and only has lounge and new currently. I can't recall anyone posting anything explicitly Zionist there recently. There was chatter about the failed assassination, but the room seems to read that most users either dislike or don't particularly care about Zion Don. However, none of that really matters for mainstream opinions or large boards (like 4chan, which has been completely overrun with bots and the common, unthinking livestock). "Normalfags" started invading these spaces a long time ago. Recall how one of the board owners of pol on 8chan was banning posters for not being overtly pro-Trump. Even the original admin of 4chan got spooked by all the NatSoc talk. I hate to sound blackpilled, but I don't think something as fantastical as Pierce's "DOTR" will ever come about. Very few people in either USA or a European country seem to be as radical as Pierce or the characters in his novels.

Also, consider that Israel's continued existence has been extensively bankrolled and physically defended by Western nations for decades. Couple that with the nasty attitudes of muslim migrants (Rotherham is a stellar reason to hate them alone). Center-right types have typically backed Israel, it's not so much a new phenomenon as it is the idiots who fervently support Israel weren't spewing their garbage on small message boards yet. I'm more of the mind that I dislike both sides in that conflict, neither of their peoples should be living in my homeland and I hope they turn each other to dust (and no American or European money nor life should be spent on its resolution).

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>344

> 4chon has been back for a bit, now under .me, though it's quite slow and only has lounge and new currently.

Lounge? The original had an /r9k/ board.

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>345

I’d prefer it if you get the fuck out of my homeland, white bitch.

Anonymous - 1 month ago

Yeah, no r9k on it at the moment. Don't think the owner considers traffic to be high enough to warrant more boards at the moment. Even new is a bit pointless to have added since less posts are made there and people still post about happenings on lounge anyway.

Anonymous - 1 month ago

I strongly doubt you're native (beaner doesn't count, mutt). Furthermore, there was no nation occupying what is now US prior to Europeans settling there. Just a bunch of disjointed tribes without basic comprehension of land ownership killing each other in petty squabbles. You're going to love the third-world living standards once Whites are gone from the US, I'm sure. No more free meals for you. :^)

Anonymous - 1 month ago


I think you mean to say AD