Topic: putting nerdy professors in their place

Topic : putting nerdy professors in their place - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 1 month ago

Uh, yeah. This course costs $10,000, (I doubt I'm the only one thinking what I'm about to say next), so could you please shut the fuck up about Battlestar Galactica and teach the material? Thanks in advance.

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>350

It's a captive audience, nobody in real life wants to hear about Battlestar Galactica so you chumps are it.

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>351

Battlestar Galactica is a very good series that’s better than Star Wars and Star Trek.

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>352

How dare you! I can see this conversation isn't going to be civil.

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>353

The series in the 2000's is where it's at. The original was just Mormon propaganda though.

Anonymous - 1 month ago

The original was better, retard.