Topic: Catherine's delete finger is sore

Topic : Catherine's delete finger is sore - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 1 month ago


Anonymous - 1 month ago

I'm pretty sure it's not Catherine, you obsessed retard.

Anonymous - 1 month ago - >>329

I'm guessing Catherine is some transvestite from Tiny or Mini (those boards look like shit so I don't use them). The admin called himself a grown-ass man in another post, which is probably the polar opposite of what a MTF transvestite would call itself.

Chan Historian - 1 month ago

If you want the full story. Catherine, initially going by the moniker of 'Girl,' started posting on Tinychan sometime in the late 2000's. She later made the jump over to Minichan sometime in 2010. Since then she has been visiting both sites with reasonable hiatus in-between. She has been known to post anonymously from time to time which caused many anons to guestimate what is or isn't a "Catherinedraad," "Catherine thread," or the new one, "tranny thread."

Spin-offs include Cato, some faggot taking this this Catherine person has expressed interest in like Islam and created a sort of narrative which involves her detransitioning and converting to the religion. The original Catherine now posts using the name "La Reina Catalina" and possibly as anon still. Cato is suspected to be a pedophile from Russia named Dave who has always fixated on more controversial users of the "chanosphere," a name he coined up back during his "TGcomix" phase. He is also rumored to be "The Doctor," arch-nemesis of "TGcomix," known for posting of different 'doctors' such as Christopher Eccleston's Doctor Who and Dr. Phil. He currently goes by the name "Father Merrin" and has numerous sockpuppets he controls. He has also had a fixation with Matthew Rosteet Miller, but he is a completely different nutcase who may or may not be posting on

As a Chan historian, I can confirm this.

Also, transvestite is an outdated term, the word is transsexual.

Get it right, faggot.