Topic: MAGA cult is in for a surprise.

Topic : MAGA cult is in for a surprise. - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>304

Wait until Trump and his right hand men come for them. They'd be begging and crying like the Separatists in Star Wars.

Anonymous - 2 months ago

>Wow, this is just like my favorite fantasy sci-fi capeshit manbaby movie franchises, Trump is litchreally V******** (He Who Cannot Be Named)!!! *crushes an entire bottle of soylent in one gulp*
Not even a MAGAtard, but wow.

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>312

I'd settle for 'pretty alright' at this point. If he can stay on the golf course and stay out of trouble I will call it a win for the people.

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>313

It's a win for the Palestinians since Trump supports Israel and Trump is universally hated by every sane American left.

Anonymous - 2 months ago

I wouldn't call adults conditioned by mainstream media to hate Trump and make kids movies analogies about politics sane. The bread and circus are designed for simpletons like you.