Topic: Matt shitposts are this board's number one export.

Topic : Matt shitposts are this board's number one export. - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 2 months ago

I guess this board is officially a new place for Matt shitposts.

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>237

And your whining is second.

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>239


Nice madpost.

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>240

Don't you have to cry about how christfags are litchreally Hamas because they don't let you kill babies or force them to troon out in Florida?

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>241

You seem triggered and a fag.

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>242

Says the retard crying about xher boogeyman and da ebil nadzee conservatives all the time.

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>243

You so mad. LOL

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>249

>peabrained shrimpdick wishes it could illicit an emotional response out of even just one person

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>250

Nice madpost, bitch boy.

Anonymous - 2 months ago

Imagine I attached an image of a soyjak seething and quoted your low-energy post back to you. That's about as much effort as it deserves. *yawn*