Topic: Suggestion

Topic : Suggestion - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>181

I hope, with the removal of the previous message, that means you will not be adding logins (at least not a system mandatory for continuing to post).

You should focus on more moderation features such as ban/delete by IP/range/etc, delete within last x minutes, r9k, rate-limit toggling that can activate various proactive measures such as captcha verification or a hard cap on posts per interval, mass spam and a term blacklist (use sparingly, rather for things like links to websites you don't want posted here instead of slurs you may not like e.g. nigger or tranny). If you already have some or all of these features, great. If you are entertaining the idea of adding a captcha period, consider something akin to the one on ZZZchan. That is the least intrusive yet still effective one I can recall seeing at the moment.

Whether or not you want to allow political discussion (I'm for it, I don't care as much about it as the next guy, but it seems to generate more activity than any other topic), be consistent in your moderation practices regarding it i.e. no matter your leaning you will delete everything political without exception. Even in general, just be consistent and don't pick favorites or sides. I realize that's hard since everyone makes mistakes and nobody is an unfeeling robot that can maintain complete objectivity. Just try to always keep a principle of moderate moderation in the back of your mind. If something gives you a kneejerk reaction of anger or annoyance, take a step back and think on it a bit (I am not saying I will post a link to that incel textboard again nor do I care much if you leave other addresses up).

Partially joking, but you should add image/video attachments. Text-only boards are considered to be somewhat incomplete nowadays. Something as simple as allowing file attachments could draw a little more traffic if that's what you're looking for. The biggest drawbacks to this are astronomically larger bandwidth and space costs as well as opening another avenue for illegal content and moderation headaches (non-illegal but annoying content like the reddit frog and soyjaks). I don't personally care about traffic and like slower boards. It's nicer to browse a dozen small ones than try to keep up with popular 4chan boards. Like I said, this point was mostly meant as a shitty joke.

One last small feature I thought of after being autistic and retarded and writing all this shit out is the addition of a letter count (current count/max count).

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>181

Wasn't there a literal shitpost about adding poopoo or something in response here? Sure, that's annoying, I don't blame whoever deleted it I guess.

I just recalled another thing you should add: email/options (sage, noko) field.

ADMIN - 2 months ago - >>182 >>186

Thank you for you time and attention, these are really good suggestions and for sure we will add them in a day or max two.
Feel free to share more ideas here.

Anonymous - 2 months ago

Are you Chinese/Indian?

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>184

This fora needs more posts about eating Txunamy Ortiz's entire bowel-movement (pronounced as one word)!

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>185

You need to have your neck shoved into an active heavy/hot washing machine until you drown or get irreversibly scalded (pronounced as one word)!

Anonymous - 2 months ago


Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>188 >>191

I don't think you are actually staff. There is no way to verify. I guess that's another suggestion for the real owner(s): add admin/moderator verification tags in some fashion. When tripcodes are activated, they will still become insecure eventually.

ADMIN - 2 months ago

ok lemme implement this one first , it will be an admin tag beside admin replies or topics in 30 minutes.

Anonymous - 2 months ago

And if you really are staff, take your time adding things. Don't rush it, don't just staple premade bandaid onto your base. Make it your own.

ADMIN - 2 months ago - >>192

i'm going to start with an admin tag beside the topics first then im going to activate the tripcode password for replies and add the admin tag for replies too.

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>193

The tags are important for verification so random trolls can't just say "I'M ADMIN", but I would say security features are more important overall. Also, whether or not you are the real admin, whoever is running this should be in it long-term. That pedo incel textboard I linked and other textboards have been around for years with relatively few users.

I also want to reiterate a point: "Whether or not you want to allow political discussion, be consistent in your moderation practices regarding it i.e. no matter your leaning you will delete everything political without exception"... and without if you choose to host a lively yet potentially controversial topic such as politics. I just want you to understand that you can't favor one extreme for the other. A lot don't like it either way, but implictly catering to either slant will not help you.

If you have a specific vision, then just disregard what I am saying and make your own vision a reality. I'm not the most reliable actor, even with BBS experience. I admit I have brain issues, but you can clearly see I'm not posting bullshit via IP (I hope). I will check back in a bit, gonna watch some anime.

ADMIN - 2 months ago - >>195

check out the topics i've just added the admin tag for topics , and i'm going to add report for topics and replies too so users can report whatever they think can harm the website.
right now working on replies admin tag.

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>196

I see the red, but I think you should work on the subtle things like mod tools, too. Not trying to be a dick, but are you even of age? You don't have to reply to that, but you seem very naive. Please consider developing more security measures for your board foremost prior to small quality-of-life stuff such as admin/moderator post verification.

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>197

what is the problem with being friendly with users and developing our platform alongside using it?! ofc i'm of age , you're talking to a grown ass man which is a programmer and is not trying to use premade common chan software , we have plenty of moderation tools and we are trying to develope what ever is needed to this specific chan alongside using it.

Anonymous - 2 months ago

Well, if you're an adult, then you seem to be naive of the culture behind anonymous bulletin boards. I'm not trying to discourage or offend you from your pursuit. I am actively trying to help you!

Again, no offense, but you talking about developing new channel software in one breath and calling yourself a "grown ass man" in the next makes me think of a coder from Tasmania named Matthew Roberts. I guess it sounds more condescending than funny if you don't know what I'm talking about.

When you say "we", that seems strange. That incel textboard I linked has a single admin/developer as far as I know, not to say a board with single access is necessarily superior. That other textboard is a spinoff of Wizchan and Matthew Roberts was a semi-successful autistic user who wanted to help other posters find easy, safe coding jobs since the other posters were known for their reclusive nature. He essentially doxxed himself to prove his credentials that he could help them and the sad users never let him live it down.

You seem to be ESL (English as a secondary language, not mentioning it as an insult). Do you feel comfortable to say what region of the world your team is from (can be as broad as Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Asia, Eastern Asia, Southern America, etc)?

Anyway, there isn't necessarily a problem with fraternizing with your users. It's just very easy to overdo such interactions. I am glad to hear you are actively developing your board. I am sorry if it sounded like I was insulting you or your group's collective efforts.

Anonymous - 2 months ago

I will just say the joke was one calling himself a "grown ass man" depending on the context, sometimes making emphasis such as "grown ASS man" or the like. Maybe I'm not explaining it well. Sorry. I'm not trying to sound like I am mocking you.

Anyway, I will probably sleep for several hours now. Take it easy, guy. ;)

Anonymous - 1 month ago

Would you consider allowing audio embeds from YouTube (and potentially other websites like soundcloud) into threads and responses?

Anonymous - 1 month ago

bandcamp embeds would be good, too, if any are possible.