Topic: 2024 election

Topic : 2024 election - [Post a Reply]

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>204

I want to vote for Robert Kennedy, but I know he won't get elected. All I have to decide on is who I want to see act smug and who I want to see seethe for the next 4 years. I don't consider most Democrats and Republicans as human. They're more like two warring chimpanzee troops screeching and tossing feces at each other. This country is absolutely fucked and it's well deserved.

Anonymous - 2 months ago

I'm still getting mailers, and most of the congress critter platforms are 'hot takes' on culture war nonsense and little to nothing about actually running the country. If I could vote for Giant Sinkhole or Tsunami I would.

Anonymous - 2 months ago

No matter who wins, nuclear war is coming, so the election won't matter anyway.

Anonymous - 2 months ago

Attempt on Trump's life happened a little bit ago.

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>178

They fucking missed.

Anonymous - 2 months ago

Shame, wonder if that would've ignited a civil war if it had been successful.

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>206

The “I know he won’t get elected…” mindset is exactly the reason why he won’t get elected. You do realize if more people decided to vote for a third party they would’ve won electoral votes and therefore have a legit chance of winning the election, right?

Trump is going to commit voter fraud again anyway so it’s not like you’re actually losing anything. Biden is probably going to result to the same shit.

Anonymous - 2 months ago

My own mindset has zero impact on that of others. Third-party options have never even come close. The most thought the average voter has given about third-party options is "They stole votes from my candidate so that's why he lost!" Hell, the extent of research most Americans do into candidates is that they saw a political ad that made them feel all warm and fuzzy between rounds of their favorite sportsball programming.

I am a registered Republican, but I've historically voted for what I saw as the most viable of third-party candidates in many elections. Admitting they will not (and probably never will) win is just being honest. The average American is a massive retard who is set on voting Democrat or Republican out of fear the opposite will win and pure, borderline willful ignorance.