Topic: This is a Transgender friendly zone.

Topic : This is a Transgender friendly zone. - [Post a Reply]

The Admin - 2 months ago

However, pedophiles and child groomers will be severely punished.

Anonymous - 2 months ago - >>94

those are the same thing tho

The Admin - 2 months ago - >>95

No matter how much you project your sick perversions onto them, don’t make it true.

Kill yourself, nonce.

Anonymous - 2 months ago

>u-ur projecting...!!!11
yea ok dumb fuck, i'm not the one arranging to send bathtub HRT from brazil to every kid who says they wore their mother's high heels once when they were 3. maybe you are hiding something yourself there, little buddy. i don't even need to tell you to kill yourself because you're statistically likely to anyway, nonce.

Anonymous - 2 months ago

IF a Trans goes out into the world with a planned Deception, they might end up mutilated or worse.
Justly deserved.